We are offering the following morning pickleball court times:
- Open Play (Non-Beginners): Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (7 am-9 am)
- Open Play (Non-Beginners): Tuesdays and Thursdays (7 am- 9am)
- Open Play: Tuesdays and Thursdays (9 am -11 am)
There are two payment options: $5/day or $50/month (months will run from the 1st to the 1st of each month).
If the $5/day option is preferred, please come and pay by cash.
If the $50/month option is preferred, please click the link below. Once registered, you will receive a wristband upon arrival to indicate you have the membership.
*Unless otherwise communicated, play will not be available on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or January 1.
**Shirts are also available for purchase. Sizes available are S, M, L, and XL.
Join the Devonshire Pickleball in the TeamReach App.
Install TeamReach on iPhone (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/teamreach-team-management/id1101253705?mt=8
Install TeamReach on Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamreach.app
Enter code: devpick