But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9
We believe that now is the time to take the next important step towards building a facility that will serve the ministry and outreach needs for the mission of helping people find and follow Jesus. Our vision through the “Into the Light” campaign is to create new spaces for ministry through the renovation and reconfiguration of our current facilities. This will include expanding and improving our parking lot, creating new classrooms for our children, and building a new multi-purpose facility. This multi-purpose facility will house our church office, a kitchen, space large enough for a full-sized basketball court for larger social events and activities, classrooms, and storage.
Commitment Service
On Sunday, March 22, 2015, part of our regular worship service will be a special Commitment Service. The congregation will be asked to communicate their faith-commitment privately by placing a Commitment Card in a marked container in the rear of the Sanctuary. A sample of the Commitment Response Card is available. This will allow our Board and Campaign Team to plan accordingly.
More Information
If you have questions about the campaign, the expansion project, or the upcoming ministry plans, we’d love to talk to you. Questions and comments concerning the stewardship campaign can be sent to Bob Amell ([email protected]) or Pastor Derek Thrush ([email protected]). You can also contact the church office by phone at 717-545-8485.
If you have questions regarding your commitment, or financial details, contact our Financial Coordinator, Butch Hainly.
To Make a One-Time Donation:
Proposed Diagrams and Current Plans
Click HERE for current plans!