Who will be the President?
Come join us on Presidents Day, Monday February 17 for pickleball & pizza.
Entry fee is $10 per person.
- Tournament format will be Mixed Round Robin where you will play with as many of the opposite gender as a partner and against everyone as time will allow. Your points will be the nett result (points for minus points against) from each game you play in. At the end of the round robin, no 1 lady will play with no 4 lady against no 2 and 3 lady and the same will happen with the men to add to each individuals total. Grand total at the end will determine who our new Presidents will be.
- Match format will either be Rally Scoring to 15, win by 2 (unmodified with no freezing, explanation can be found here – starts at the 1:40 mark) or regular, standard side-out scoring to 11 depending on how many entries we get. A final email will be sent out about 2 days before Presidents day.
- The tournament ball will be the Gamma Photon Indoor ball.
- Check-in and warm-up will commence at 8 AM. Play will start at 9 AM and continue on all 3 indoor courts until done (likely around 2:30pm, depending on a number of registrants).
- Spectators are welcome and seating will be available on the viewing deck. Access to the playing area will be restricted to players and officials.
- Pizza and soda will be provided at lunchtime for registered players.
- Having a partner is not a requirement to enter but will surely help to balance the mixed format of play.
- Amazon gift vouchers will be presented to the top 2 men and ladies for 1st ($15) and 2nd ($10) places.
- $10/player
- Registrations must be received no later than Friday, February 14.
- Events can be joined or canceled at the Tournament Organizer’s sole discretion. All decisions in all matters are final. In the event of cancellation by the Tournament Organizer, a full refund will be issued. Unless stated (here or announced later) otherwise, USA Pickleball rules will be followed.