
Class: Intentional Parenting

Categories: Adult Ministry,Children's Ministry,Events,Youth Ministry

logo-600Intentional Parenting: 10 Ways to be an Exceptional Parent in a Quick-fix World

February 1 to March 17, 2017 (6 weeks)

Wednesdays from 6:45 – 8:00pm

For parents and guardians of children at all phases!  Join us for this 6-week, video-based course.  Children’s activities are available for pre-school thru 5th grades (G.L.O.W., downstairs) and 6th-12th grades (shire., upstairs).  Nursery care will be made available if requested in advance.  The class and childcare are free, but it would be helpful if you could register to help us prepare accordingly.

Sign Up for the class

Every parent has dreams for their children and a hope filled with the best of intentions. Although, at some point, parents move from DREAMS to DUCT TAPE and simply hope that everything will just stay stuck together and their kids won’t fall apart.

Raising kids is a difficult challenge and it requires a plan—without a plan, parents often default to what we call “Quick-Fix Parenting.” To be an exceptional parent, you need to be an intentional parent.  Discover 10 actions that will impact the future of your children, no matter their age!



Author: Brent McClintock