Chasing Vines
Thursday Nights at 7:30pm, Church Fellowship Hall beginning April 22
God wants us to flourish. In fact, he delights in our flourishing. Life isn’t always fun, but in Christ it can always be fruitful.
In Chasing Vines, Beth shows us from Scripture how all of life’s concerns—the delights and the trials—matter to God. He uses all of it to help us flourish and be fruitful. Nothing is for nothing. Looking through the lens of Christ’s transforming teaching on the vine and branches in John 15, Beth gives us a panoramic view of biblical teachings on the vine, vineyards, vine dressing, and fruitfulness.
Join Beth on a journey of vine chasing all over the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, to discover why fruitfulness is so important to God—and how He can use anything that happens to us for His glory and for our flourishing.
Know this: Your life matters, and it can be immensely fruitful. Let’s start chasing some vines.
Hello, Beauty Full
Thursday Nights Online at 8pm, beginning September 24
Women struggle under the ongoing weight of “not-enoughness.” Not attractive enough. Not smart enough. Not fit enough. Not creative enough… And therefore, not beautiful. We are broken and ashamed to be so. In our eyes, brokenness makes us unlovable and unusable. But in Scripture, God is clear that he sees us the way we already are in Christ: deeply loved and abundantly influential. Hello, Beauty Full explodes the shame-based mythology of our “not-enoughness,” empowering women to see ourselves as beautiful creations designed by God.
Previous Events and Studies

She’s Still There
Sundays at 9:00 am, beginning September 8th
Are you the woman you want to be?
Through this study you will:
- Recognize the woman you were meant to be as you set out on a journey to find direction, purpose and true satisfaction.
- Realize how valuable you are, regardless of where you are in life, as you receive the encouragement you need to pursue your passions.
- Find the hope and answers you’re looking for as you learn how to study God’s Word in a meaningful and personal way.
This study is free! There are no books to purchase
Contact Leanne Gardner at [email protected]
Living Your Destiny
Sundays at 9:00 am, beginning July 30th
You only have one life to live… don’t miss it! Listen as five outstanding Bible teachers and women of faith share from the heart on how to live the life God destined for you. Whether it is overcoming shame, learning to leave the past behind, or finding that clear vision for your life – there is someone’s voice, testimony, bible teaching principle in this series that you are destined to hear.
Each of these speakers is impactful, spiritual, passionate and called to share the truth of God’s Word in ways that will captivate your heart in you personal quest to be who God called you to be! There is only one you, and your life will touch others as no one else’s can. Find your fulfillment and purpose and see what God does through you while you’re Living Your Destiny!
This study is free! There are no books to purchase
Contact Leanne Gardner at leannemgardner
The Armor of God
Sundays at 9:00 am, beginning April 24th
All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you. But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.
Please join this exciting Ladies Sunday School Class, starting on April 24th from 9:00-10:15 am in the Fellowship Hall.
- Learn to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His Might
- Discover what to wear to ensure victory and employ the secret weapon to stop the devil in his tracks.
- Develop a personalized strategy to promptly put the enemy in his place.
- Take advantage of your position in Christ and experience the tangible, long-term effects of victory in practical, everyday living.
So join us as Priscilla Shirer teaches us how to bring to light the war around us and challenge us to suit up, stand firm, and secure victory in our lives.
Participants are asked to donate $10, if possible, to help defer the cost of the books.
Sundays at 9:00am, beginning October 18th
Join this new seven week study in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays from October 18th thru November 29th.
This DVD-based study from Jennie Allen aims to help you discover a practical plan to identify the threads of your life and how to weave them together for God’s glory and purposes. RESTLESS explores this important question: “Do I matter? We live with lots of things, lots of people…but do we live for something?” Using the story of Joseph, the author explains how his suffering, gifts, story, and relationships fit into the greater story of God-and how your story can do the same. She also introduces Threads – a tool to help you see your own personal story and to uncover and understand the raw materials God has given you to use for his glory and purpose.
Study guide books are optional, and a limited number will be available for a suggested donation of $10.
2015 Women’s Summer Series – Starting in June
The summer months are a great time to get together with friends, new and old. Actively build and cultivate relationships with the ladies around you this summer! IF:TABLE is a challenge to get together for a simple meal and some great conversation.
The idea behind IF:TABLE is simple:
- INVITE: Ask 4-6 ladies over for dinner some evening.
- SHARE: Get together for a simple meal and get to know each other.
- TALK: Each month, you’ll be provided with four short questions to guide your discussion. Click here to see examples from previous months (November, December, March).
See what others are saying about their experience at an IF:TABLE on Twitter.
Below are links to the discussion questions for each month. Note that due to the staggered timing of our groups, we’ll be using the conversation cards from the previous month.
- For June:
- For July:
- For August:
- For September:
If you’d like to open your home to a group OR participate in another group, contact me via email to express your interest. A leader will connect you with a group nearby.
- Q: Who can be in a group?
A: Anyone! Friends, coworkers, neighbors, old or new friends at Devonshire. - Q: Can I start a group?
A: Yes! But let us know that you’re meeting, so we can send you the questions each month, and so that we can be praying for you. - Q: When and where will groups meet?
A: Groups will meet 4 times over the summer (in June, July, August, and September). There is no set date or schedule, so groups can meet whenever it works for them. Groups can meet at someone’s home, or may decide to meet up at a restaurant instead. - Q: Who should I invite?
A: Entirely up to you… go for it!
A Night to Breathe – 1 Night Mini-Conference for Mothers of Young Children
Saturday, March 28 from 5 – 10pm
A Night to Breathe is an evening (and hopefully morning) for you to get away so that you can get refreshed in order to go back home with your spirit lifted, your soul nourished, and a plan for keeping your sanity, enjoying your family, and being intentional as a mom, wife, and woman. More details at
Who the Event is For: This event was designed with the mom in mind who is tired, could use a rest, and wants to be spurred on to keep on. While an older mom with teens might benefit, it is really for those moms with younger children (say, under 11).
When: SATURDAY, March 28th, 2015
Where: The Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel, Harrisburg, PA
Time: 7-10pm. Plan to meet up with the other ladies at a restaurant for dinner at 5pm. More details TBD
Speakers: Sarah Mae and Amy Smoker
MADE TO CRAVE: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food
Sundays and Thursdays, January 11 – February 15, 2015
Has food become more about frustration than fulfillment? The New York Times bestselling release Made to Crave is the missing link between a woman’s desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment necessary to make that happen. Author Lysa TerKeurst personally understands the battle that women face.
Join us for this two part book series. On Sundays @ 9am (1/11 – 2/15), a class will use the videos and participant guides to discuss how God has created us to crave more of Him. Then on Thursday evenings at 7pm (1/15 – 2/19), join us in the Fellowship Hall for a fun exercise class. If you aren’t able to make both sessions, that’s ok! Please join us for any portion that you can.
If you are able, ladies will be asked to contribute $10 to help cover the costs of your book. The books are optional and not required.